Justin Moorhouse About 30 Minutes No More Than 45

We had a few tech issues this morning, so let's try again!..

It’s Episode 300! This week, Justin catches up with Fatiha El-Ghorri, Al Murray, and Barca Jim. We hear from the front row-ers at the final shows of Edinburgh Fringe, and Sam the Singing Teacher before a singing lesson. Izzy’s back in Manchester and helps to open the Post Bag at the end. 


Get in touch, #AskIzzy, or Dear Jon here:

WhatsApp – 07495 717 860

Twitter – @3045podcast

Email – podcast@justinmoorhouse.com




Fatiha El-Ghorri: https://www.instagram.com/fatiha.elghorri


Al Murray: https://thepublandlord.com/


Barca Jim: https://www.instagram.com/barcajim3/


Sam Seth: https://www.samsethmusic.com/




Northern Sole Café: https://www.northernsolecafe.com/


Other Stuff:


Watch my YouTube Special: https://www.youtube.com/@justinmoorhousecomedian


The Greatest Performance of My Life: https://www.justinmoorhouse.com/


Join the Mailing List: https://justinmoorhouse.us2.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=4c600f8287b9c2e121f43c3a1&id=bbd0010665


Music by Liam Frost. Produced by Rachel Fitzgerald and Justin Moorhouse

Direct download: EP_300_AGAIN.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 5:14pm UTC